WW2 German Bakelite 7.5cm Artillery Flash Reducer Geb. G. 36


Excellent Condition

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A nice bakelite container transporting 3 Kartuschvorlagen, (flash reducer), for the 7.5 cm Gebirgs Geschütz 36.

“Flash reducer: A silk bag containing 20 gr, (0.70 oz), of potassium sulphate. This was placed on top of the charge bags in the cartridge case when firing at night; the combustion of the potassium salt provided an excess of nitrogen in the propellant gases at the muzzle and prevented their combination with the atmospheric oxygen to produce a flash

Well marked inside both the upper and lower sections.

These would definitely be reused as a container for things like matches, tobacco and personal effects.

The 7.5 cm GebG 36(German: 7.5 cm Gebirgsgeschütz 36) was a 7.5 cm (3.0 in) German mountain gun used during World War II. At least 1,193 were built between 1938 and 1945. It was the standard light gun of the German mountain divisions, both Army&  Waffen-SS, during World War

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