North Vietnamese Army Topographic Grid Map SECRET 1:50,000 GIA HGHAI
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I came across a collection of North Vietnamese Army issue 1:50,000 scale maps many years ago. This collection probably represents the largest collection of original wartime NVA maps outside of Vietnam. These old maps likely do not exist in Vietnam anymore as they would have been discarded in favor of updated maps published by the PAVN as the years passed and changes to the land occurred, such as new roads, canals and the growth of villages.
They all have the universal elements you will find on military maps from around the world including a legend, identification of adjacent maps, grid to magnetic declination, scale, latitude and longitude etc.
These maps cover areas in the Mekong Delta, along sea coasts, high mountains, swamps and other areas in Viet Nam.
Finding NVA maps in the collecting world is a difficult task. Like all items of any intelligence value, they were supposed to be turned over to S-2 (Intelligence) for exploitation. These maps probably were duplicates, found together, with no exploitable hand written information on them such as defensive positions, AAA positions, routes of travel etc. Because they had no such value, they were allowed to be kept as souvenirs after a brief in-field review.
They are large size maps. They measure 24 x 19 inches. We will ship them folded as they were when I bought them.
All were apparently printed in 1973. These are actually updates of NVA maps made in 1963, 1964, 1965, 1969 etc based on information I find at the bottom right corner of each map. In any case, thousands of US military personnel were serving in Vietnam during 1973 so they fall in the correct wartime period.
The name of each map is printed in the top center of the map. This is the most prominent feature shown on the map such as a village, a river, a mountain, a river etc.
They each show the province and district in the upper left corner. You can more closely examine the location by clicking on the second photo.
Latitude and Longitude are also shown at the corner of each map. This may help you in finding the area depicted. If you are interested in particular areas in Vietnam, sit down one evening and click through the collection. You might find exactly what you are looking for.
Maps were carried only by those who had a need to know such as officers, senior NCOs, engineers, mortar, rocket and those who crewed indirect fire weapons, snipers, transportation personnel etc. Maps would be carried in mapcases, folded up in pockets and small pouches. They were to be safeguarded at all times and were not supposed to be marked up, lest they be captured.
Some of these maps have hand written Vietnamese on the back.
They will shows signs of their age including yellowing and small tears on an edge and possibly at folds.
No Vietnam collection is complete without at least one captured map so make sure you pick up at least one today!
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